When I went on a church retreat back in February this year, we did this exercise of prayer and I thought about this when I woke up this morning and was praying for you.
Today we are going to put ourselves into the shoes of the Jeremiah when God told him to go down to the potter's house. You don’t have to imagine that you’re Jeremiah, rather see it as an invitation from Jesus to go with him down to the potter's house. We are going to imagine that Jesus is physically beside us as we make that trip.
It’s important that as you hear the story you try to feel what it’s like to actually be inside that story. Listen, taste, smell, feel, and watch what happens. What can you see around you? What are Jesus’ facial expressions? What are you feeling?
I’ll read the story through once from the Bible first, and then we will enter the story more personally.
Listen as I read the story through from Jeremiah 18:
I invite you to put aside anything which you are carrying – just put it to on the ground or beside you so you hands are free. You may like to close your eyes so you are not distracted; take a few easy breaths and begin to relax.
Let us begin with a prayer: Loving God who created us with imaginations, we offer this time to you and pray that the Holy Spirit will be present to guide and protect us and help us to draw closer to You. AMEN
We’re going to start by remembering a time when we felt close to Jesus, when we felt safe in his care. Ask Jesus to remind you of a time, and then stay with that awareness of Jesus close to you.
Now imagine that you’re sitting at home or some place where you feel at peace and safe. It’s the middle of the morning…think about what you might be doing, what activity is engaging you…
You hear a knock on the door, and as you open it there’s Jesus, your friend. He doesn’t come inside, but rather says, “Come down to the potter’s house, there’s something I want to show you.” Walk with Jesus down to the potter’s house. Take some time to imagine your surroundings…what sort of street are you walking down…what can you see as you look around you…what does it feel like to be with your friend Jesus…do you feel excitement?…anticipation?…anxiety?…take some time to notice how you are feeling
After a few minutes you reach the potter’s house. The potter is at the wheel and you stand watching her work. She’s shaping a pot…it’s taking shape but it’s not quite right…as you watch the potter takes the pot and starts to re-shape it…she’s skillful and as she gently works the pot with her hands another pot takes shape…spend some time just watching as the potter works
Jesus speaks softly to you. “Can I not do with you as this potter does?”…”Like clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand.”…Again he says softly, gently, compassionately, ”Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand.”…What do you think and feel as you hear those words spoken to you?…Spend some time talking with God about this, ask him what he would like to show you today…
Loving God, thank you that you care enough about us to hold us in your hands and to mold and shape us. Make us into the beautiful vessels that you intend us to be. Amen. http://openingtogod.wordpress.com/2012/10/12/imaginative-prayer-jeremiah-18/

The words that came to mind this morning along with this imagery of the potter and the clay were the words, "new man." Last night, when I saw that video of you, Jens, walking up the stairs, I saw a new man. I have not seen you with that ability to run up stairs since I met you. The time you came to stay with us in Knoxville was the time when you and Abby had to bring so much medical equipment with you for your breathing treatments. What a contrast to last night's video. The look on your face, the words, "YES!" in victory that you had bounded up those steps- what a sweet homecoming!!
You've both been on the potter's wheel in this story. The Potter has reset the clay and melted it down to recreate something new. Left on its own, the clay can fold in on itself. We do fold in on ourselves when we aren't open to God's grace and His touch. But you both have been so open to the work of His hands in your lives. I am rejoicing with you that God has made you into a new man, Jens. And, Abby- through this, you have been made into a new woman too- love has shaped you as you have added to the beauty of this story through your incredible support, dedication and commitment.
Giving thanks for this new day, for His new mercies that are new every morning, for new lungs, for new possibilities that await you both, for new joys to celebrate.
We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
The one sitting on the throne said, "See, I am making all things new!" Revelation 21:5
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